Evergreen Domain Name that reflects SUCCESS!



What is a Self Made Score?

Back in 2014, Forbes came up with a scoring system that ranked members of the Forbes 400  list of richest Americans in terms of how SELF-MADE they were. They started giving each member of The Forbes 400 a score on a scale from 1 to 10 to acknowledge that some individuals have traveled further in their entrepreneurial journey to make it to the top and the Self Made Score was created to capture just how self-made they really are. 
"Someone who built a company or established a fortune on his/her own, rather than inheriting some or all of it." 
 A 10 is reserved for those on the list who not only grew up very poor but had to overcome serious obstacles in their accent to the top, such as Oprah Winfrey, who was born to a single teen mother and was sexually abused as a child. Other household names like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, who came from middle- or upper-middle class families, both receive a rank of 8, while someone who inherited their entire fortune and has done nothing special with it ranks as a 1. If you're wondering, Kylie Jenner, who grew up in a wealthy family and who has leveraged her fame, ranks a 7. She is officially the youngest self made billionaire ever, reaching the milestone at the ripe old age of 21. At the most basic level, the scores denote who inherited some or all of their fortune (scores 1 through 5) and those who truly made it on their own (6 through 10).

Are the Self Made increasing in number?

Looking at the numbers over time, the answer is a resounding YES: In 1984, less than half the people on The Forbes 400 were self-made; in 2018, 67% of the 400 created their own fortunes. The number of Forbes 400 members, over the past 30-plus years, who have followed their own path, using entrepreneurial capitalism as a means to attain a large fortune, has increased dramatically. The rise of the internet and technological advances benefiting millions of people have contributed mightily to the self made entrepreneur. One thing is for sure: The American Dream is alive and well.

You can own

Owning the name is easier than you think. Plus it has a rare advantage that few domains can match. It has a Financial Media giant promoting the name in their headlines throughout the year and thus, free organic traffic to this domain name is always flowing(i.e. evergreen). is the perfect internet home for; A financial advisor. A business consultant. A stock trading app. A currency exchange. An investment firm. A wealth management service. And there's only one place you can get it: Visit their site to inquire about this domain name and explore the quality brandable & keyword domain names in their inventory!



Benefits of Brandable Domains

Memorable & Unique

Brandable domain names are just easier to remember than their generic keyword alternatives. That will increase the chances that your website will be remembered and your audience will repeat their visit again which helps you build a loyal online customer base!

Professional & Credible

Keyword domains face a lot of competition in search results. By avoiding highly descriptive names, a uniquely branded name can position your business as more credible and professional. When a customer searches your brand, they will find you right at the top of the results.


By choosing a brandable name you won't limit your business to a specific product or service. This will give your business more room to grow and venture out into other products and services. Your business can evolve without having to worry about replacing your domain name.

More Affordable

Generic keyword domains are generally more costly to buy than brandable domain names, mainly due to so many businesses competing for the same name. Choosing a brandable domain can be a lot more affordable with prices starting under $1000 for turnkey brandable domains.

Domain Name Available for Transfer Today!


More About

Brandable Domain – Brandable domain names are simple, catchy words or phrases that businesses use to build their online identity around. For startups, a unique brandable domain name would be one of your greatest assets when you begin to market your business online.  And once you own the name, no one else can. That’s the beauty.

Unique names pique interest and build trust.
On the Web, image is everything, especially for Millennials who are used to making rapid-fire decisions about a business on their mobile devices. You only have a few seconds to make a solid first impression. Having a unique and creative domain name can go a long way to pique the interest of your visitors and build trust.

Memorable names get more returning visitors.
A brandable premium domain will be much easier to remember. More of your visitors will be able to recall the name and return at a later time.

Startup – Brandable domains are increasingly sought after, because when it comes to naming a company, it’s important to get it right. Businesses have to live with their brand name for as long as the company remains active, so it’s important to give it thought and ensure the best choice.

Brandable domains make your job easier.
When you’re choosing a unique premium domain, you don’t have to spend months thinking of a name and branding it yourself. Instead, you can simply choose the name you like and brand your business around it. It saves you a ton of time, money and creative energy, so you focus on other aspects of your business.

Good names boost credibility.
Savvy Internet users know that short domains don’t come cheap. Having a great domain is clear evidence that you’re a serious business – one that understands the importance of brand value.